Combat Homeschool Mom Overwhelm

Here are some great tips to combat homeschool mom overwhelm when it happens to you.

Give Your Children Chores Once your children are old enough to use the potty, they are old enough for chores.

Simplify Meal Times I have two favorite things in my kitchen and they are my slow cookers and my air fryer. They make supper time easier.

Get Some Fresh Air Instead of looking at it as something else to do done, look at it as self-care. Or as part of nature study. Whichever one helps you prioritize getting outside.

Look to Minimalist Homeschooling Some days you just need to do the essential things.

Phone A Friend Call or text as a fellow homeschool mom. they have been where you are. Maybe she is sitting at home overwhelmed too and you could be making her feel a little less alone with a simple text

Grab A Book At the end of your day grab a book to read. Lay in bed for 10 minutes and read something.