10+ Essential Homeschool Items

It can be daunting to try and figure out what materials and items you need to successfully homeschool your child. However, there are really only a few essential homeschool items that you need to get started.

The most important, and really only true essential item that you need to homeschool, is a library card.

My kids love writing on them and working out math problems on their individual dry-erase boards.

Here is one that is on my wish list: an electric pencil sharpener. How much time is spent sharping pencils in your home?

Print off worksheets to laminate for each of your kids, for yourself, etc. This is one of my favorite homeschool items in our house, Gauge loves that he can steal paper out of it to draw on.

Adding a microscope to your homeschool adds a whole new element to your science. You can get them for younger children, or more advanced ones for older children.

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