Summer Nature Study Ideas

Summer nature study is difficult in many places in the world where the summer heat drives us inside. There are plenty of ways to continue your nature study from the comfort of the AC.

Many well-respected poets were naturalists. Read the work of some of the great poets and soak in their immense love and respect for nature.

Garden or no garden, starting seeds indoors is a great way to learn about the life cycle of plants.

Nothing speaks of summer like watermelon, but have you ever explored it closely? Take a big slice and observe all you can about this seasonal fruit. What do you see in the white part of the watermelon? Why do you think it’s there?

Nature study is about noticing patterns and connections. You can observe plants indoors as well as outdoors.

My small backyard is full of birds this summer and last year we saw two blue jays nesting high in a tree.

All the beautiful rocks, shells, gems, and sticks collected throughout the year deserve to be displayed.

Find a local community center, library, or private tutor to focus on learning new techniques to incorporate into your watercolors.