First Homeschool Planning Tips

It can be daunting to begin this type of education on your own.  Here are some homeschool planning tips to help you get started.

One of the most important things to do is to create a plan. Here are some tips on how to create a homeschool planning guide that will help you succeed:


Determine what your goals for homeschooling are.

Create a routine. But remember it's not set in stone.

Keep the goals few and simple, as too many complicated goals can be ineffective. Try to break yearly goals into monthly goals, and monthly goals into weekly goals.

Decide on Your Source for Resources

 I love the library but you are working on someone else’s timeline and might not be able to get the books you want when you want them at times. Amazon Kindle has kept us on track many times.

Follow your natural inclinations. Don't try to force early morning routines.

You may have to change your plan and schedule at multiple points of the school year. You never know what might happen that changes things up.