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7 Tips to Shoot More Effective Pet Videos

Most of us have watched a funny dog video or been distracted by a cute cat video from time to time. Pet videos are a popular form of content on social media and video-sharing platforms like YouTube. Not only do they entertain viewers, but they can also help to raise awareness around certain types of breeds of animals, and promote things like pet care or welfare tips.

Creating effective and engaging videos requires more than just pointing the camera at your pet and hitting record to capture a few cute moments. Making videos that are visually appealing, attractive, and informative will take the right planning and preparation. 

1. Plan your pet video

One of the first things to consider when creating a pet video is the concept and message you want to convey. By planning and preparing for your shoot, capturing compelling footage, and promoting and distributing your video, you can generate content that appeals to a wide audience. With the pet population booming in countries like the US, it means that pet videos are popular and in high demand. 

Before shooting your pet video, consider the kind of animal you are filming. Are you showcasing a specific breed of dog or cat? Are you filming a fish or a lizard? Are you raising awareness about a certain issue or topic? Or are you promoting a product or service related to pets? Having a clear message in mind will help to guide your planning and preparation process.

Once you have made a plan for your video, you’ll need to gather the necessary equipment and accessories. A high-quality camera and tripod are essential for capturing sharp and stable footage, and a microphone will help to improve the audio quality. For really professional footage you may want to invest in additional accessories such as lights, reflectors, and backdrops, depending on your location and the kind of videos you want to make.

2. Select lighting and location

Your choice of location, background, and lighting can make or break your pet video and are important factors to consider when shooting. Filming your pet in outdoor locations, or in its typical habitat with natural lighting, can provide a beautiful and appealing setting. Indoor locations have the benefit of a closed area with controlled lighting that can work really well – especially if you have a pet that is reluctant to be filmed.

Select a location that will work well with your video and provides the right lighting conditions for your footage. It can also be worth choosing a location where you know your pet will be comfortable and relaxed. Pet videos work best when your pet is most active and alert, so scheduling and timing are important. Depending on where you are filming, you might need to allow time to set up your camera, tripod, and any lights or reflectors. 

3. Use angles and perspectives

When it’s time to capture footage of your pet, camera angles and framing are one of the best ways to create a video that is eye-catching and scroll-stopping. Different perspectives and viewpoints can help to convey different emotions, feeling, or messages. Capturing some movement or action shots can keep the viewer engaged and interested. 

Filming your pet while it is moving or in motion can help to add energy and excitement to your video. Capturing your pet interacting with you or other animals can help to create a sense of connection and empathy with the viewer. It can also be used to showcase the personality, traits, and behavior of your animal. Using unique viewpoints like getting down on the floor and shooting things from your animal’s point of view can add uniqueness and originality to your video. 

4. Add sound

Some animals don’t make much noise, so while your pet video may look great visually, a lack of sound can make it seem a bit flat. Capturing the sounds of your pet can help to add a sense of realism and immersion to your video. But if you have an animal that’s virtually silent, some well-placed music or sound effects can keep things interesting. 

Make sure to use a good microphone to capture clear and high-quality audio. If you’re filming a dog video for example and want to enhance the emotional impact of your footage or set a certain mood, then background songs for dog videos can really set the desired tone. 

5. Use props

If you are shooting pet videos with the hope of going viral, then you will need to make your video as compelling as possible. Some of the best ideas include having your pet perform a few tricks, or do something funny. Film your dog while he’s playing or trying to get to his favourite ball to make a video that is truly entertaining.

Toys, jumps, puzzles, and tricks are all fantastic ways to create pet videos that stand out from the rest and attract more viewers. The more creative you can be, the more likely you will attract a higher number of viewers. Food and treats can also add a new dimension, watching a hamster nibble and store food, or observing a rabbit chewing on lettuce all add a certain charm to your content. 

There is no limit to the kind of props you can use, even common household items can be incorporated into your pet videos. Seeing a pet gerbil stick his head out from behind a chair, or catching a shot of your new kitten playing with a piece of paper, all brings a level of cuteness to your videos that makes them irresistible. 

6. Editing your pet videos

After the shoot, your video footage will need to be organized and sorted. You may spend a good amount of time editing the footage to shorten or remove irrelevant content. Invest in a no watermark video editor for performing post-production tasks like editing, correcting color, or mixing audio. 

Transitions and effects can also be used between clips to enhance the visual appeal and emotional impact of your footage. Text and graphics tools like titling and animations can be used to provide information and explain the context or purpose of the video.

7. Where to share your pet video

Social media and video-sharing platforms like YouTube and Instagram are great places to share and promote your new pet video. So, too, are websites and blogs, online communities, and pet groups, especially those that focus on specific animals or breeds. 

Collaboration with other creators and influencers across different social media platforms is a great way to share your video with a larger audience to expand your reach, and gain more views, likes, and shares.


Shooting a good pet video requires a combination of creativity, technical skill, and patience. Here is a recap of the key points to keep in mind when filming your pet:

  • Planning
  • Lighting and location
  • Angles and perspectives
  • Sound
  • Props
  • Editing
  • Sharing

Keeping these points in mind as you film your pet will help you create videos that look professional and will attract a wide range of viewers.