How do your set your kids reading up? Do you have everything written in a planner for them? Use these curriculum reading bookmarks to help you, and your kids to be as organized as possible.

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Curriculum Reading Bookmarks
When you have more than one child, in more than one grade level it can get to be overwhelming to keep track of what each should be doing in each subject.
I actually created these bookmarks a long time ago but forgot about them until recently. They can really help you keep track of readings and reading assignments.
I have included 12 different bookmarks, with different subjects. I tried to think of most subjects and create a bookmark for each.
Because there is no way I could predict what you might need I also included 12 blank bookmarks for you to label yourself. 12 different colors for a total of 24 curriculum reading bookmarks.

After you download your copy of the curriculum reading bookmarks you’ll need to cut them out. You can pick and choose which pages you want to print.
I chose to cut each bookmark out before I laminate them to help them last longer, as well as printing them on cardstock. I like the Astrobrights brand paper and cardstock when printing for our homeschool.
How to Use in Your Homeschool
On each of the bookmarks, I have included Read and Do.
Read: use a dry erase marker to write which pages you wish for your child to read. Something like “read from page 10-20”. The bookmark will serve as just that, a bookmark to save the page for the future.
Do: write down any questions or assignments that you wish to have your child complete within the reading.
These can be very helpful if you have numerous books on the go in a literature-based curriculum such as BookShark.
Use your curriculum reading bookmarks to help keep reading and reading assignments straight for each of your children, in each subject.
Thanks for reading!