Gift Ideas for Aspiring Fashion Designers

My girls are all about fashion. They are busy dressing up, doing their make-up, and sketching outfits. There are some really amazing items out there to encourage your children to follow their fashion designers dreams. A couple of these items I’m about to share with you have already found their way under our Christmas tree in the past.

Gift Ideas for Aspiring Fashion Designers

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While I have no problem with my girls practicing their makeup skills here at home, we aren’t quite to the point of going places with them wearing makeup. My nine-year-old’s makeup skills are still a work in progress after all.

I want to share a few of the things I have picked up for them for practicing their hand at make-up. They have a little bag of makeup just for them. One of the most important things I made sure to have for them is make-up remover wipes.

I had one of these fashion plate sets as a little girl, I got it when I went to have tubes put in my ears, and I was beyond excited to find them still being made so I could buy them for my girls.

Gift Ideas for Aspiring Fashion Designers

There are some really amazing items out there to encourage your children to follow their fashion designers dream.

Gifts for Budding Fashion Designer

There are many different ways to encourage your budding fashion designer. It could be as simple as giving them a sketchbook and pencils, or some dress-up clothes that you bought on clearance after Halloween.

You don’t have to make it difficult, the younger your child the more simple to make your gift ideas. Younger kids love to dress up and make their own fashion choices whether they are playing dress-up or picking out their clothes for the day.

Gift Ideas for Aspiring Photographers

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