I have the happiest boy right now. He is so excited to be doing math online like his big sisters this year for school. I’m lucky that my kids, all three of them, like doing math. It has never been a struggle, each homeschool math curriculum has been good for them. But CTCMath is the perfect bite-sized curriculum for my second grader.

Homeschool Math Curriculum
I received digital access to this product as well as reimbursement for the time spent writing this review in exchange for my honest thoughts. This post contains affiliate links. Please see my disclosure policy for more information.
One of my favorite aspects of CTCMath are the shorter lessons. It also gives Gauge at almost seven years old, a chance to hop online for a quick lesson covering a math topic.
The shorter lessons are perfect for him as he sometimes gets overwhelmed by simple things using technology, and occasionally when he gets a question wrong. These bite-sized lessons are perfect for him.

Family Pricing, No Limits!
Some online curriculum programs make you pay per child, and you only have access to one level of the program, not CTCMath Homeschool Family Membership. They know what you need. Multiple children, multiple levels, one price. Perfect for homeschool families.
As you are looking for a math curriculum for your kids, whether it’s kindergarten, grade 3, or calculus, or all three, the Homeschool Family Membership from CTCMath is what you need this year. One membership, all your kids, any level.
CTCMath Homeschool Math Curriculum Practice and Review
With this online homeschool math curriculum, your kids watch and listen to a video. After the video, your students are led through a lesson (or quiz) to assess their understanding of the concepts.
You also have the option to print out a PDF version of the lesson (as well as access an online Lesson Summary). This is going to be very handy this winter and the weather prevents us from getting online.
At the end of a lesson, your child can decide if they would like to practice some more with more questions or move on to the next lesson.
Because the lessons are so short, Gauge wasn’t getting frustrated and wanted to do more lessons. When your kid wants to do more math lessons, you know it’s good! To me, that’s worth a lot!
All the Positives as A Parent
- As my kids get older, this will be really nice. You receive weekly progress reports to your inbox to keep you up to date on your independent learners progress.
- Your younger learners can use this homeschool math curriculum independently too.
- The little speaker beside the instructions reads them to him.
Gauge is learning to read quite well now but still likes to make sure he has sounded words out correctly, which typically means my having to work with him, but CTCMath has this covered as well with that little speaker.

What do you look for in a homeschool math curriculum? Does CTCMath check all those boxes for you as it does for our family?
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