What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like

What does a typical homeschool day look like? It looks different for every family. There really isn’t a typical looking day, even each homeschool family is going to have different looking days. I see it asked all the time, what does a typical homeschool day look like?

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What Does a Typical Homeschool Day Look Like

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Here in our home, homeschool lessons always start in the morning. After breakfast and washing up, we sit right down to do school work. We have been doing it this way for the last three-ish years, because it’s what works for us. Getting it done and out of the way.

Science experiments/labs happen in the afternoon, after lessons are finished, after Momma has finished her coffee.

How Homeschool Days Vary

We have changed the way we homeschool, in terms of the time of day. We have started doing our school in the morning, and then switched to the afternoons for a little while, before going back to the morning. There was a period where lessons in the afternoon just worked better for our family.

Done by noon?

We usually are finished by noon. Lower elementary are finished well before noon, and the higher we go up in grades, the longer we take. This is typical of homeschoolers that we know. It doesn’t take as long as you might think to get your lessons finished if you have a plan and know what you are going to be working on, it can go quite smoothly.

What our Secular Homeschool Day Looks Like

Four or Five Days?

We are in the four day camp. We do a little more each of the those four days so that we can take a day in the week and not worry. This is often our grocery shopping and errand day. A four day a week schedule might be so you can a join a weekly coop or homeschool group that meets weekly.

But you don’t have to. You can stick to five, or even six days if that is what works better for you family.

Relaxed Homeschool Days

This past year, the only scheduled subject and lesson plans we had were math. Math got done after breakfast, 4 days a week. For the rest of our learning we did a very relaxed homeschool. My kids learned so much. They consumed books and documentaries like they were starving. Relaxed homeschooling can be great for you and your homeschoolers.