Homeschooling is legal across Canada. If you are thinking about starting to homeschool your kids here in Canada there are some things that you need to consider. If you aren’t in Canada maybe you are curious about how it works here. We are currently homeschooling in Saskatchewan, but planning to move out of province in the near future. That has led me to looking up the laws in the different provinces we’re interested in moving to.
Homeschooling in Canada
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This in not a post containing all the laws for each province or territory, but a general overview. If there is something that I have mistakenly have wrong, let me know so I can fix it.
Every province is different.
British Columbia
In BC you can choose to be under a teacher and get up to $1000 in funding for resources. With this method you have to submit regular reports to your teacher and meet all the learning outcomes the same as public school. Or you can can choose to homeschool completely on your own and receive up to $150.
In Alberta there are three different options for homeschooling and the funding is different for each. There is: basic/traditional where the parent is fully responsible for the education of their child. Blended is an option for individual subjects, where you follow the province’s study plan, in some cases the topics, curriculum, etc. The last option is fully aligned, meaning that the school board with provide the entire program, for all subjects to your child. The typical registration due date is September 30th.
Funding is different based on the school board area in which you live. You have to be registered no later than September 15th in most boards to receive funding. You are required to register each year, submit an educational plan at the beginning of the year, and follow up at the end of the year and provide proof that your child has met the educational goals.
In MB you fill out a notification form at the beginning of the year and follow up with two progress reports through the year, in January and again in June. There is no funding available.
Parents in ON are required to write a letter of intent to the school board, for their first year if the child has attended public school previously. You can also attend public school classes dependent upon the principle.
There are a lot of changes happening in QC, currently parents must submit and implement a learning project to educate, socialize and to qualify the child, through the development of basic skills, including literacy, numeracy and problem-solving, and the French language. To keep up to date visit the HSLDA. There is no funding.
New Brunswick
In NB, you need to fill in a form and send it in to your local school district office to notify them of your intentions. There is no funding.
Nova Scotia
In NS you fill out a registration form and describe your curriculum. In June you report on your child’s progress, no funding is available.
Prince Edward Island
In PEI you simple fill out a form at the beginning of the year. Your child is able to attend public school classes if they want, just contact the principal to confirm your child’s attendance prior to April 15th of the year prior to the one in which the course is to take place.
Newfoundland and Labrador
In NL you need to complete forms and provide an educational plan. The school board will need to approve it, will send you a letter of approval. You will need to submit work samples over the course of the year as well. There is a little more to homeschooling in NL than other provinces and you can find that information here.
Here you need to register your child and create an educational plan. You are also required to do testing through Aurora Virtual School. There are resources and online courses available.
Northwest Terrorites
In NT, you register your children with your local school and you do receive funding, up to 25% of what the school receives for public school children.
In NU, you follow the Alberta education program, and register with your local school. There is funding available.