It does not take much to convince me to drop everything and read, just show me to a library, a bookstore, or hand me a great book. My kids thankfully are rather similar. If you need us on April 12th you’ll know where to find us, curled up on the couch, or in bed read some great books. Need a great book suggestion? I have some for you.

D.E.A.R. Day! Drop Everything and Read: April 12
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We have five bookshelves in our home, with books for all of us. But we all have our favorite books, books that we can read again and again. Books that I’ve bought for our family, some really great books that came with our BookShark curriculum this year.
Little Kids Books
Green Eggs and Ham – This book is great and repetitive enough for little ones to try reading on their own
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish – A fun book for little ones to listen to, and to start their reading with
Oh the Places You’ll Go – my favorite children’s book, I love read it to my kids.
Kids Books
The Book with No Pictures – This book is so much fun on both sides – reader and listener.
Berenstain Bears – Any of them, we love them all.
Harry Potter – we have listened to these on audio, they made our driving anywhere so much better. And I have my eye on buying the actual books, because we are just that big of fans that we want to re-read them again. And again.
Books for Teens
Divergent Series – These were a great read, I love reading series and if you or your teen read The Hunger Games then you just might love these as well
The Fault in Our Stars – I totally read this one before the movie came out. So sweet.
City of Bones – I read these a while ago as well, I went through a period of time reading series after series
Homeschool Books
Homeschool Your Child for Free –
The Homeschool Experiment – A great read even if you don’t homeschool.
Books for Moms
These are on my “to be read” reading list.
Small Great Things – Jodi Picoult
Surprise Me – Sophie Kinsella
The Perfect Nanny – Leila Slimani
What are some of your family’s favorite books be?
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