Homeschooler’s February Funk is real! I am in the February funk, you know when you just feel blah and all you want to do is nap and read books. It’s the weather right? If you live in colder climates as we do here in Saskatchewan, then the weather is enough to give anyone a case of the funks.

Beating the Homeschooler’s February Funk
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The weather here has been enough to drive us crazy lately, who wants to go outside in -35C weather, no one, not even my kids who love being outside. But we’re also starting to get on each others nerves and no one wants to sit down to do workbook stuff, not even the teacher.
How about changing things up a little bit in your homeschool, even if it is just for a week.
Science (with Dad)
I do most of the homeschooling, but dad is more than capable of doing science experiments with the kids on the weekends which gives Momma a break, and they get some hands of fun.
The first one they did together was Magic Rocks and we were all interested in watching the magic happen.
You don’t have to leave science experiments to dad though, I enjoy doing them with my kids too, and they have gotten to the point where sometimes I just need to do the setup and then they go and do it. They usually do better than me because they are so much more open to trying out new and different things and usually testing out their own way of doing things.
New Read Alouds
We have just started reading Alice Adventures in Wonderland. It’s not part of our BookShark curriculum, but just something for fun, and then we’ll be watching the movies. I choose this book because I thought they would enjoy it. Pick a book that you think your kids might really enjoy.
Our 10 Favorite Book + Movie Combos
Take A February Break
Take a week off from school. Here in Saskatchewan public schools have a February break and an Easter (Spring) break. I have to think that there is a reason for the February break and it might just be due to that funk we’re feeling as homeschoolers affecting everyone.
You can make up time later for this break, or not worry about it in general.
If you don’t feel up to taking a week off, maybe shorten school days or weeks to give everyone a little break while we wait for spring and warmer weather.
Get Out of the House
Get out of the house a little each day, or every other day, to change things up. Getting into a rut isn’t going to help. You don’t have to stay at home to be a homeschooler, head to the library, science center, or museum. Meet up with some friends at one another’s homes for play dates for your kids and coffee and chat for you.
Spend a Day in the Kitchen
You kids can learn so much in the kitchen whether they are cooking or baking, or just helping out a bit. Cooking is all about reading, math, and science. That’s three subjects you just covered when you made cookies with your kids Momma.
There is freedom in homeschooling. You do not need to burn yourself out to get everything done or to make sure that you are doing school every day. Learning happens all around, just find ways that work for you.
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