I am taking part in this week’s Writing Workshop from Mama Kat. I choice the writing prompt: list 8 best reasons you love living in your state. First, I live in a province, Saskatchewan. Second, I’m not totally sure I can come up with 8 reason why I live here, but I’m going to try.
- I love the flat. Just about every where you look it is flat, not hills or valleys.
- It is so open, no natural trees. If you see trees they are “man made” there because someone planted them there for a reason. Example: you see trees around houses that are in the middle of a field to block wind.
- The summers are hot and sunny. My kids get beautiful pool weather everyday in the summer.
- Stores are open just about everyday – Boxing Day shopping actually happens on Boxing Day here instead of Dec 27th like in Nova Scotia. (Makes getting batteries for new toys so much easier!)
- Tim Hortons is almost never busy. Hello Saskatchewinians have you not discovered the joy that comes from this place?!?!
- I, hubby too, love making fun of the word Saskatchewinian, not the people, the word.
- I have reason for decorating my house earlier for the holidays here. Since it starts snowing in October(ish) I can start putting out winter decor (snowmen, snowflakes) earlier than I could in Nova Scotia.
- It is easy to make some money. There is work available everywhere, and most places are paying quite well. Next month I hope to start watching kids in our home again. I can’t believe what some people charge for childcare here!
What do ya know I came up with eight. The last one, while true, is just to fill that empty spot I’ll be honest. It is very hard to find eight things I love after looking at the weather report for this evening: SNOW. But the girls will be happy happy happy.
Make sure to check out some of the other posts for this week’s workshop at Mama Kat’s Losin It.