If you drink ground coffee then chance are you’ll be able to make this playdough. Instead of tossing your grounds in the garbage or where you put them. Instead, put them into a container and store in the fridge (to keep from molding).

Once you have a coup worth, you’re good to go.

I am a first thing in the morning gotta have a coffee coffee drinker. Therefore we have a lot of used coffee grounds going into our compost bin. So I decided to do some thing a little different with them. I started saving them in a Rubbermaid container in the fridge.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup coffee grounds
  • 1/2 cup salt
  • 1/2 cup cold coffee/water (*you may not need this much)

Mix the dry ingredients and coffee grounds together. How much coffee you need depends on how dry your grounds were, mine were quite wet, therefore I didn’t have to add much coffee.

This is great for different textures, it is gritty and not rubbery like regular playdough. Austin’s first comment was that it was ‘sparkly’. It’s sticky like cookie dough, but cuts great.

We were able to make shapes using cookie cutters, roll it into balls and in general have fun. I have a good bit of coffee grounds left-over, and will be adding to it daily, so  I think that I’m going to look for some more and see what we can do.