The sun was shining hot and bright this afternoon, with rain in the forecast, we made the most out of the great weather. I’ve shared some of the things that I always have on hand for summer fun. Mixing up cornstarch and water is a simple way to have some fun.
I dumped about 1/2 a box of cornstarch into a baking pan, added some colored water and put it down between to the two girls. I am fearless when it comes to messes as long as they have fun and hopefully learn something in the process. Plus a box of cornstarch is relatively cheap, you can find it at the dollar store, or for around a dollar at Walmart.
This was Brookland’s first time experiencing this, she seemed to enjoy it, she liked hitting it, and of course taking it from her sister. (My lesson from this: each have their own pan of it.)
Austin thought outside the box after a little while and used it to decorate the ‘ant pie’ she had made the day before. She went back and forth between playing with the pan of cornstarch goop and decorating. The sun was hot, so she enjoyed adding more and more water.
Brookland, who is 11 months, couldn’t help herself. She had to try some. She didn’t seem to like it to much, nor did she seem to bothered by the taste as she tried it again a couple times. I think this is the best part about making cornstarch goop: non-toxic.
We have enjoyed a good bit of fun with cornstarch, including: